On Bizo's External Apps team (aka. 'xapps'), we've been using a Kanban system to manage our work. All of Bizo Engineering uses Asana to track tasks, which isn't specifically designed for Kanban. We've settled on a set of of conventions that we use in Asana which enable our Kanban system. These conventions also help us to track metrics like the average lead time from month to month.
Kanban is a second-generation Agile software development methodology. The focus is on finding and fixing bottlenecks, as well as removing waste by limiting work-in-progress. (The "WIP" limits referenced in this post are the number of work items that are allowed to be in a particular stage of the system at one time.) Adopting a Kanban system has made things easier for engineers, increased efficiency, and is very popular with our Product Management folks as well. We are now focused on delivering value incrementally rather than specifying and implementing larger chunks of work. If you're interested in adopting Kanban, I recommend reading David Anderson's seminal book on the topic: Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology BusinessConventions
Each stage of work in our value chain is a priority heading in Asana. The name of the priority header follows the convention: "{STEP NAME} ({WIP}):", eg. "Dev Ready (10):". The steps that are earliest in the value chain are at the bottom of our Asana project, with tasks moving upwards through each stage until they reach "Production (15):" at the top when the functionality described by the task has been delivered to production. Once Product Management has verified that the functionality described by a task is functioning correctly in production, they mark the task as complete. We use tags to represent work item types, although its fairly limited at present.Metrics
One of the most basic metrics to track in a Kanban system is the average amount of lead time (the time it takes from when a task gets added to the input queue until value is delivered). I have created some tooling that allows us to accomplish this systematically. I'll first describe what it does, and then how you can use it.The first piece of the tooling bulk loads task data from the Asana API into MongoDB. The API returns JSON and I just store JSON as-is in MongoDB, which works out well since MongoDB speaks JSON natively. One hiccup is that once tasks are archived in Asana, you can no longer obtain information about them through the API. Accordingly, the bulk load needs to be scheduled to run on a regular basis (in our case, every night) so that we don't lose information about archived tasks. Furthermore, we have a policy that tasks should not be archived until they have been completed for at least 24 hours, so that the bulk loader will always run at least once after a task has been completed before it gets archived. After loading the task data, the bulk loader will create data describing how much time each task spent in each state, as well as how long each task took (in days) to complete from start to finish (lead time).
The other piece is a Sinatra web service that runs a map-reduce against the lead time data created by the bulk loader and serves lead times by month as JSON. It can also aggregate by year or day (but I don't think aggregating by day is useful).
I have packaged up both of those pieces into a gem called "asanban", which you can use. The source code and instructions for installation and usage are here: https://github.com/patgannon/asanban
Pain Points
There are a couple of problems I've run into using Asana with a Kanban system. The first is that there's no way to enforce WIP limits. Users just have to be mindful of the limits shown in the priority headers. I have been thinking about writing a nightly report that uses the data created by the bulk loader to find violated WIP limits and send out emails, but I haven't gotten to it yet. (This tooling is essentially a hack day project at this point.) There is also no functionality to facilitate different classes of service (SLAs and WIP break-downs), but maybe those could be supported using the same kind of nightly report.
Another problem I've run into is that task sizes can be all over the place, which reduces the meaningfulness of the metrics. Some Kanban practitioners use hierarchical work items to address this kind variability in size. Stories can be grouped into epics and/or broken down into "grains". Asana does support sub-tasks, so I may recommend that we use those to break down large work items in the future, at which point the bulk loader would be modified to track metrics by sub-task (for tasks that have them, which would be assumed to be epics).
Next Steps
As we fine tune our Kanban process, we'll use these lead time metrics to verify that when we've made an adjustment (changing a WIP limit or adding a buffer, for example), that our performance improves. I'd like to have more metrics so that we can have even better insight into our system in the future. For example, I'd like to see the average time tasks spend in particular steps, the average amount of total WIP, as well as WIP in each step (shown over time) and failure load.
The first order of business moving forward on this will probably be an improved charting interface on top of the existing metrics. Also, it would be nice if the bulk loader used a scheduling library so that folks don't have to manually schedule it in cron. It also could use some automated tests!!! As I mentioned previously, I've just been working on this on hack days, so if there's something you'd like to see done soon, well... pull requests will be gladly accepted! :)
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