Tuesday, February 17, 2009

java keyword challenge

Found this C++ coding exercise on twitter this morning: Write a standards-conforming C++ program containing a sequence of at least ten different consecutive keywords not separated by identifiers, operators, punctutation characters, etc.

Pretty fun read.

I thought it would be interesting to try and come up with something similar in Java. It seems like I'm constantly adding "final" everywhere, so it can't be that hard, right?

Here's the list of the Java Language Keywords.

Unfortunately, in Java, we don't have anything we can repeat, like sizeof. Also, some of the java keywords require non-keyword tokens ({, }) to be used (do, while), where their c++ equivalents do not.

Anyway, let's give it a shot:

private static transient volatile boolean
private static transient final boolean
b2 = true;

5 sequential keywords in a member declaration.

Okay, method declarations:

public static synchronized final native void a();
public static synchronized final strictfp void b() { }

I can't say I've ever used native or strictfp, but that gets us to 6 sequential keywords.

There aren't as many sequential keywords we can use for class declarations:

private static final class c { }
private abstract static class d { }

That's only 4 sequential keywords.

So 6 sequential java keywords. That's my max. Can anyone do better?

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